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Air - Solid sorbent direct air capture
Rocks - In-Situ mineralization
44.01 and Air Capture
Muscat, Oman
Karan Khimji
Project Hajar is a Direct Air Capture to Mineralisation (DAC+M) joint project between AirCapture and 44.01. AirCapture is deploying its state-of-the-art modular DAC technology in Oman, positioned on 44.01’s site in Hajar Mountains. Here 44.01 will take the captured CO2 and turn it into rock, utilising its pioneering technology that accelerates the natural process of CO2 mineralisation. Deployed at scale, DAC+M has the potential to eliminate billions of tonnes of CO2 globally.
Aircapture develops highly efficient small modular DAC units which are easy to ship, install, commission, operate and maintain. Aircapture’s temperature swing technology enables rapid development and scale-up with very modest CAPEX requirements. 44.01’s mineralisation technology provides a truly permanent way of removing CO2. Once mineralised, CO2 cannot escape back into the atmosphere. This reduces the need for longterm monitoring and insurance, providing a cost-effective, scalable, global solution.
The CO2 is captured utilizing AirCapture’s DAC units. It is collected by moving air or mixtures of air across a proprietary contactor which adsorbs CO2. The contactor is moved into a regeneration box where the CO2 is released from the contactor and collected.
44.01 takes the CO2 and dissolves it in water, then injects this fluid into peridotite formations. Initially the CO2 is contained through solubility trapping, where the density of the carbonated fluid is higher than surrounding groundwater. The CO2 then mineralises in under 12 months, eliminating it permanently. 44.01 uses a range of physical and chemical monitoring and verification techniques to confirm the CO2 is contained in the subsurface and ultimately mineralised.
There are environmental and social co-benefits with DAC+M projects. Peridotite is not a resource that has traditionally been prized for agriculture, minerals or hydrocarbon extraction. Using peridotite for CDR unlocks new income streams for governments and communities, and enable the creation of green jobs in new areas all over the world. Finally, since mineralisation occurs in the sub-surface, the surface environment is preserved, enabling it to be used for other activities.